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On Tap with TitleTap is a marketing podcast that focuses on tips and tools for Title Agents and Attorneys to thrive and grow their business in the Title Insurance industry, presented by TitleTap.



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8 creative marketing ideas for bankruptcy attorneys

Did you know that the number of actively practicing attorneys has increased by more than 15% in the last decade?  This means increased competition in just about every legal niche, including bankruptcy law. And with bankruptcies on the rise in 2024, effective marketing...

Law Firm Website Examples: 5 Designs to Inspire Your Own

You only get one chance at making a good first impression, and these days, that extends to your online presence as well. For most clients, the website will be the first point of contact they have with your law firm. Make sure it puts your law firm’s best foot forward...

The Ultimate Guide to Website Design for Law Firms

"If they can't find you, they can't choose you." This statement might not apply universally, but it certainly holds true in competitive fields like business and law. You’ve got to be seen to be on the scene.  And with the internet's popularity, digital visibility, in...

Time Is The “Frenemy” of Search Engine Optimization

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and Founder of Facebook, is known for the saying, “Done is better than perfect.” In fact, it epitomizes Facebook’s groundbreaking methodology so well that it’s painted on the walls of their office. Although it can take years to rank on the first...

12 Marketing Metrics Your Firm Should Monitor

The goal of any marketing initiative is to bring in more than what’s paid out, and for attorneys, this often manifests as more billable hours generated from a controlled marketing stipend. It can be difficult to determine if the amount of billable hours trumps what...