We know the title industry inside and out — including the digital marketing challenges that tend to hold title companies back online. The digital shift has opened up new lead generation and marketing possibilities for title companies, but without strategic direction, you might find that you’re just not connecting with the right prospects online. Revamping your approach to digital marketing with tried-and-true strategies for title companies is the solution.  

These 4 savvy digital marketing strategies will enable you to compete with larger title companies by boosting your online presence and putting your company in front of more prospective clients. Learn how to prioritize SEO, leverage PPC and social media ads, and attract leads with branded content that positions your title company as an industry expert.  

Website Best Practices for Title Companies

Learn the 7 website components to attract clients and build a thriving business.

1. Prioritize Search Engine Optimization

Title companies can harness the power of search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance brand awareness and connect with more qualified prospects. In today’s digital climate, you can’t afford to not optimize your website for search engines with relevant keywords, fast load times, and mobile-friendly web pages.  

  • SEO drives 1,000% more traffic than organic social media content [1] 
  • 63.4% of all web traffic comes from Google searches [2] 
  • SEO-driven leads have a 14.6% close rate [3] 

Imagine the value of driving 1,000% more users to your site and closing deals with 14.6% of those visitors. If your title company implements powerful SEO strategies into your digital marketing plan, you can grab a slice of the pie and start boosting your search rank. The higher your site ranks in search, the more prospects will see (and visit) your website.  

SEO is notoriously complex with Google’s somewhat secretive and ever-changing algorithms determining which sites they’ll show first in results. But once you can get it up and running, SEO continues to drive traffic and leads to your site 24/7. TitleTap has been working with title companies for over 14 years, tracking and adapting to the latest SEO best practices to help over 90% of our title company and law firm websites rank on page 1 of Google.  

With a TitleTap website tailored to your title company, you’ll enjoy out-of-the-box SEO that’s done for you (including tracking your website’s search rank). We optimize your site with the keywords that your prospects are searching for, optimize our servers for speed and fast load times, and make every page mobile-friendly to help get your company in front of more prospective clients.  

2. Target Ideal Clients with PPC Ads

While SEO is a foundational part of any successful digital marketing strategy for a title company, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising supercharges your online visibility and nets fast, reliable results. Google Ads are the most seen and commonly used PPC ads to increase brand visibility online. To get in front of your ideal clients, leverage Google Ads and retarget ads to make sure your title company appears when they’re searching for local title companies online.  

Utilizing retargeting ads helps you go after the users who visited your website and left. A “retargeting pixel” tracks your site visitors after they leave and shows them ads for a period of time — say, 3 months — afterward to boost your chances of converting that lead.  

  • Google controls 92% of the online paid and organic search market [TechJury] 
  • About 65% of users click on PPC ads relevant to their search [Lunio.ai] 
  • Customers are up to 70% more likely to convert with retargeting ads [Lunio.ai] 
  • Paid ads have an average 200% ROI [TechJury] 

There are a few important caveats to using PPC ads as a title company. First, it requires an expert to strategically create ads and retarget ads that convert. Second, successful ads must be continually monitored and optimized to ensure you pay the lowest cost per click and target qualified leads. Finally, your results are limited by your ad spending budget.  

TitleTap can help by creating tailored Google Ads and retargeting ads for your title company that strategically targets your ideal clients and makes the smartest use of your ad budget. We monitor and optimize your ads continually, ensuring the most qualified leads are finding your site and converting at rates that often surpass industry averages.  

3. Harness the Power of Social Media Ads

While PPC Google Ads capture the attention of tons of online users, you can take your marketing strategy a step further with social media ads. Facebook, in particular, is effective for title companies who want to connect with qualified homebuyers and realtors. Facebook is an excellent platform to connect with your ideal clients where they’re already hanging out online. 

  • Facebook ads have an average 9.2% conversion rate, the highest of any social platform [4] 
  • 33% of millennials spend 14 hours per week doing real estate searches on social media [Meta] 
  • The real estate and title industry has the cheapest cost per lead among Facebook ads categories [4] 

Just like Google Ads, successfully using Facebook ads to find and convert new clients and real estate partners requires expertise. Let the TitleTap team create and run optimized Facebook ads for your title company and start generating more qualified leads on social media.  

4. Create Branded Content to Attract Leads

Branded content attracts leads to your website and familiarizes them with your title company. If content creation isn’t part of your marketing strategy, it should be. Writing, curating, and sharing content with your audience on your website and social media channels is a winning strategy for title companies of all sizes.  

  • 90% of marketers focus on content in their strategies [Demand Metrics] 
  • 74% of companies say content marketing boosts lead generation [Forbes] 
  • 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations [5] 

Starting out with branded content can be difficult — finding and hiring skilled writers, graphic designers, and multimedia creators who understand your business and marketing goals isn’t easy. But when you launch a turnkey website for your title company with TitleTap, you get free Starter Page Content included to help you start bringing in leads who are looking for answers to common questions. Modify the content or keep it as-is for a true turnkey approach. 

Add Socialite, our content curation and creation add-on, to automatically curate content from local and industry websites you choose, instantly create an AI-summarized blog post about it, and automatically share it as a Facebook post for continual engagement that drives traffic to your site.  

TitleTap’s full library of 125 videos — the #1 performing content format — on title and real estate topics will further engage your website visitors and offer valuable information that attracts leads. And with Feedback Automatic, our easy online review add-on, you can automatically request and post positive reviews from clients to show your prospects they’re in good hands.  

Start Getting Results Online with TitleTap 

TitleTap knows the title industry and offers compliant, turnkey websites for title companies with one-click add-ons for SEO and PPC marketing. Attract more clients with a branded NetSheet closing cost calculator, done-for-you branded video, social media, and blog content, and online reviews. Schedule a demo now and see how a TitleTap website and marketing add-ons can help you start seeing measurable results from your digital marketing strategies today.   


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