As you know, the competition within the title industry is fierce. However, you have done the hard work and arrived as a reputable title company. Now, the next step is to build your company’s reputation. Your company’s reputation is immensely important as you need to develop strong relationships with realtors and clients to achieve continued success. Every referral is important, and you most certainly don’t want to lose business due to a potential reputation issue. Therefore, it’s important from the outset to boost your title company’s reputation to ensure continued success. Thankfully, at Title Tap, we are a solutions-oriented marketing solution that offers several core products that can help you promote your brand and build your reputation. Features like website design, SEO, PPC, FB ads, and more are just a part of how we can help you improve your reputation.   

What is Reputation Marketing? 

When it comes to marketing, you likely know about the aspects we have already talked about above: websites, SEO, and more. However, you might not be aware that a great deal of marketing involves creating the right reputation for your brand or company. This means highlighting the positives of your title company, like your five-star reviews, posts that talk positively about your brand, articles, or social media comments that promote your brand. In other words, it’s not just telling potential clients that you are trustworthy, it’s showing them why you are trustworthy.  

4 Highly Effective Ways to Outrank Your Competitors

It is not always easy to outrank your competitors and generate leads. Learn about these 4 highly effective ways to do it and watch your rankings, your traffic, and your firm grow!

Five Ways to Boost Your Title Company’s Reputation 

You cannot improve your reputation accidentally or through wishful thinking. Consider the following actionable ways to effectively improve your title company’s reputation.  

1. Evaluate and Review Your Current Reputation 

The first step in improving your company’s reputation is looking at where you are presently. This might not be pleasant to be fair. It can be a tough but necessary step. After all, how can you know what you need to do to improve if you don’t know where you are right now? To get an idea of your current reputation, look at your brand’s current online presence. What are the reviews saying? Have you had bad press? Have you had good press? What about your competitors? How do you measure up to them reputation-wise? Again, this might not be easy. This isn’t about trying to prove where you are reputation-wise as much as compiling actual information that showcases the cold hard truth. It is the before photos in your weight loss journey; hard to do, but worth it when you can see evidence of where you started, what you have accomplished along the way, and how your company is positioned in the end.  

2. Consider What Your Reputation Should Be

After doing a deep dive into your current reputation, it’s helpful to consider what you want to improve. Ask yourself what you want your brand’s reputation to look like. This is the time to make changes to ensure these improvements become a reality. For example, if you notice your website is lackluster, especially when compared to your competitors, then take the time to improve your website. You can also take the opportunity here to improve your social media persona and ensure it matches your goal as a brand.  

3. Deal With Any Negative Feedback

If you have some negative feedback, you need to create a plan to deal with it. To be fair, even the most successful title companies will have some negative feedback at some point. However, having a good reputation isn’t about never having negative feedback, it’s how you respond to that negative feedback. In general, you should always respond to any feedback, especially negative, in a timely manner. You should also offer ways to make it right if possible, showing other potential customers that you care and want the best results. Keep in mind, it is never a good idea to respond to negative feedback, negatively. This is true even if you are in the right and the customer is in the wrong. While it can be tempting to defend yourself, don’t let this be your outlet for that, as it will only further harm your reputation. Some general tips on how to deal with negative feedback include: 

  • Apologize: This includes acknowledging a problem, thanking the customer for the feedback, listening, and explaining your actions. 
  • Use Their Name: This shows that you care enough to acknowledge the person’s name and that you aren’t giving them a generated response. 
  • Sympathize: Keep in mind that you don’t have to agree with the complaint, but you should at least acknowledge and understand the frustration that the customer is feeling. Try to put yourself in their shoes.  
  • Offer a Solution: If at all possible, try to make the situation better.  
  • Resolve the Issue: If you are able to offer a solution or make a situation better, ensure that you respond and show other readers how you resolved the issue.  

4. Promote Your Reputation

Sometimes, building up your title company’s reputation is as simple as asking for positive feedback. If you have happy clients who are pleased with your service, ask them to review your company or encourage them to leave positive feedback. If you are having trouble enticing them to take the time for these tasks, offer discounts or a gift card in exchange for them helping you boost your brand’s reputation. When you get these positive reviews, make sure you share them yourself on your website and throughout your social media platforms. Promote yourself as much as possible to further improve your brand’s reputation.  

5. Bring in The Experts

While you can take some steps toward improving your company’s reputation on your own, there is only so much you can do without bringing in the experts. At Title Tap, we proudly offer our Feedback Automatic Service. This is a tool that allows you to easily target your customer list and request feedback through branded emails, along with offering reminders to customers to leave reviews. This system will help you encourage the kind of feedback you need to then utilize and promote your brand and improve your reputation.  Watch a demo to learn more about this tool that has been embraced and used by LinkedIn, FindLaw, Facebook, Zillow, and more. This short demo will help you determine if this tool is right for your brand in five minutes or less.  

Schedule a Demo 

At Title Tap, we are a turn-key, yet customizable, website and marketing company that specializes in legal and title fields. Therefore, we are happy to help you as a title company improve your current reputation and implement the helpful tips listed above. We understand that you are busy with many tasks and would love to offload something to free up time. Thankfully, we are happy to help you with a variety of marketing tasks as well as help you utilize our Feedback Automatic Tool to improve your brand’s reputation. Contact us today to request a demo and see what we can do to improve your reputation through innovative marketing practices and proven strategies. 

Get a Secure, High-Converting Website

Ready to maximize your website’s potential and attract more clients? Discover how TitleTap can help you drive business growth. Quick and easy setup, no contracts, and a 60-day guarantee all for a reasonable price.