Did you know that the number of actively practicing attorneys has increased by more than 15% in the last decade? 

This means increased competition in just about every legal niche, including bankruptcy law. And with bankruptcies on the rise in 2024, effective marketing for bankruptcy attorneys means not letting these increased opportunities pass you by.  

One of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is with digital marketing. In fact, we created this digital marketing guide for attorneys. 

In this post, we’re specifically sharing eight tactics that bankruptcy attorneys can use to get more clients from Google, social media, and YouTube, including: 

  1. Record FAQ videos 
  2. Share tutorials or mini-courses 
  3. Ask clients for social media reviews 
  4. Share a look behind-the-scenes 
  5. Integrate live-chat on your website 
  6. Send regular email newsletters 
  7. Include press releases on your website 
  8. Join a legal services directory 

1. Record FAQ videos 


One way to provide value and connect with your audience is to record frequently asked question (“FAQ”) videos and post them on YouTube. 

Simply make a list of the questions you hear most often from potential clients. Considering the questions people ask on the first call to your law firm is a good place to start. 

For example, are they asking how to get started with an attorney? If they qualify for filing bankruptcy? What type of bankruptcy might be an option for them? These are the types of questions you can answer in a quick video that helps draw in qualified leads. Posting on YouTube helps your potential clients find you through the search function. 

Be sure to fill out the description of your video so you can include links to your website and contact information. 

Pro Tip: Don’t have time to write your own content? Check out our pre-written blog and video library that answers common questions your customers might have. 

2. Share tutorials or mini-courses 

Publishing video tutorials is similar to the tactic above of answering FAQs on YouTube. You can post these tutorials on YouTube, publish them on your website, or use them as a lead-generating tool. 

For example, when visitors go to your website, you could have them give their email address to receive a free course or tutorial video. The topic could be anything that would assist a person going through bankruptcy, such as a short course on settling debts without filing for bankruptcy. 

It may seem counterintuitive to give away free advice that could arm your potential clients with the information they need to represent themselves, but there are many benefits to doing this. For example, people search for answers to their problems far more often than they’ll search for your business name. 

By answering their questions on your website, you’ll establish yourself as a credible expert and increase search traffic to your website by providing information that potential clients are searching for. Most importantly, you’ll be growing your email list. Many people that search for self-representation advice do end up seeking professional legal help. 

3. Ask clients for testimonials or social media reviews 

One of the best ways to get new clients is through referrals from existing, happy ones. You can increase the likelihood of more referrals by asking your clients to share a testimonial or post a review on your Facebook page if they are comfortable with that. 

Why are reviews and testimonials so important? 

Testimonials and reviews are the best way to allow other clients to sell your services for you. In fact, nearly half of all people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, even at a time when up to 84 percent of Millennials don’t trust advertising.  

Often these reviews are the first thing someone sees when they search online – oftentimes before they even find your website. 

Moreover, even referrals will often Google your firm or name to check your star ratings before they contact you. 

Do your law firm a favor and have an online review strategy. 

4. Share behind-the-scenes or day in the life posts 

Giving potential clients a glimpse into a day at your law firm is an excellent marketing tactic. It shows leads that you’re human and helps to build trust. 

You don’t need to suit up with a GoPro or have a camera crew follow you during the entire workday. Candid shots of the team hard at work, enjoying personal hobbies, or giving an office tour are all quick ways to show your clients the personal side of your work. 

Here’s an example of a law firm in North Carolina, NobleLaw, that dedicates this page on their website to behind-the-scenes shots of their legal team. This page shows clients the real people that are working hard on their case. 

5. Integrate live-chat on your website

Adding a live chat tool to your website can help you engage with potential clients and improve the efficiency of the support you provide. Chat tools can answer many of the most common and basic questions your clients have, freeing up your time for more value-added work. 

There are many types of chat software available, which means you can select one that aligns with your business needs and budget. 

Even better, you can customize chat greetings and messages based on visitor behavior. For example, you can have your chat tool ask the viewer a specific question related to the page they’re visiting, or set it to prompt them to fill out a consultation form when they’ve spent a certain amount of time on a page.  

Look for features like customization options, chat routing, and reporting analytics. You’ll also want to make sure your software can integrate with any existing software you have, like CRM and help desk software.  

Finally, make sure your live chat widget is displayed in a prominent location on your page (but not blocking any important text or navigation tools).  

6. Send regular email newsletters

In a competitive market, one of the best ways to get new customers is through referrals. And one of the best ways to make sure your firm’s name stays at the tip of your former clients’ tongues is by periodically reaching out through an email newsletter.  

This newsletter can include recent victories your firm has had, information on changes in bankruptcy law or procedures, or updates on new attorneys who have joined your firm.  

7. Include press releases on your website

Press releases are an effective way to communicate important news, updates, and achievements to the media and the public. Like newsletters, press releases can include the following types of content:  

  • Announcements on firm news and developments, like new partnerships, mergers, or expansions into new geographical regions 
  • Notable case victories, settlements, or successful outcomes 
  • Commentary and analysis on legal trends, landmark court decisions, or legislative developments in the bankruptcy arena 
  • News about the firm’s involvement in community service, pro bono work, or local event sponsorship 
  • Awards, accolades, rankings, or certifications the firm or its attorneys have received 
  • The addition of new attorneys, partners, or staff members, along with promotions or leadership changes 
  • Client success stories or testimonials 
  • Upcoming seminars, webinars, workshops, or speaking engagements the firm is hosting 

When you write these press releases, they should be accurate, professional, concise, and conversational. You may need to write several versions of a single press release to tailor each version to the target audience.  

8. Join a legal services directory

Joining a legal services directory can enhance your online visibility, reputation, and client acquisition efforts. These directories give law firms a platform to showcase their services and expertise to a wide audience of potential clients—including individuals and businesses looking for representation.  

Being listed in a directory can make it easier for prospective clients to find you. It can also add credibility and trustworthiness to your brand by including information about your credentials, practice areas, and awards or accolades.  

Yet another benefit of being listed in a legal services directory is that it can improve your search engine rankings. Because legal directories are authoritative websites, they tend to rank highly in results; by having a presence in these directories, law firms can improve their search engine optimization efforts and ensure their websites are seen by more people. 

Better Marketing With TitleTap

Today’s attorneys are busier than ever. With so many balls in the air, adding another one can seem all but impossible. TitleTap can help you and your firm automate your marketing process. We provide turnkey, customized websites and marketing services for law firms and title companies and are experts in search engine optimization marketing. 

Some providers offer piecemeal services that require you to do the legwork to put them all together. But at TitleTap, our strategy is much more cohesive. We offer three plans that can be tailored to your needs and budget: website only, website+SEO, and website+SEO+ads. By integrating our approach, we can increase your firm’s ranking and optimize your digital experience.  

You’re the bankruptcy experts—let the website experts at TitleTap handle your marketing needs. Visit our website or give us a call to request a demo today!