Marketing your business law firm can be tough. The competition is fierce, and the different marketing tactics available can be overwhelming.

The good news is that taking the time to implement a marketing strategy can pay off in spades and set you apart from your competition But, which tactics should you choose?

In fact, we recently created this digital marketing guide for attorneys.

However, we wanted to take it a step further and cover 7 specific creative marketing tactics that business law attorneys can implement today.

Many of these are inexpensive and require just a bit of effort to execute. The key to each one is persistence and consistency.

  1. Build your email list
  2.  Start a blog
  3. Share behind-the-scenes videos on Youtube
  4. Invest in SEO
  5. Build a chatbot for your website
  6. Get active on social media
  7. Invest in sponsorships

1. Build your email list[ps2id id=’title1′ target=”/]

Email – alongside your website- is one of the few marketing channels that you fully control. You don’t have to spend money on ads or be at the mercy of a social media algorithm to get in front of people. With email, if someone opts into your list, this means they want to hear from you.

For example, sending regular newsletters to your email list is a great way to stay top of mind and build trust and authority. It lets you show your expertise and prove that you are keeping up to date with changes in the business law niche.

Make sure it’s easy to sign up for your newsletter by providing links on your website and social channels.

Pro Tip: Our content library has 125 topics that integrate with popular email marketing software such as Constant Contact and MailChimp.

2. Start a blog[ps2id id=’title2′ target=”/]

Search engines love to see websites with updated content. One way to keep your site fresh is to publish regular blog posts. When brainstorming blog topics, think about your ideal client.

  • What type of content would help them?
  • What do you think they would be searching for?
  • What are the top questions they ask you?

For example, you could turn your most frequently asked consultation questions into blog posts, which can help improve your website’s visibility in search rankings, establish credibility for your firm, and help you build trust with potential clients.

These posts don’t have to be lengthy or in-depth as long as they’re clearly answering the question and providing value to the viewer.

Think of the questions you regularly hear in your practice when determining what videos to post.

When people call into your law firm looking for a consultation, what are some of their first questions?

For example, if potential business clients often ask you what it costs to work with you, you can create a quick video that explains your legal fees.

You don’t need to give exact numbers, instead you can say that your time is billed hourly or on a monthly retainer. Clear, concise answers are the way to go.

Pro Tip: Don’t have time to write your own content? Check out our pre-written blog and video library that answers common questions your customers might have.

3. Share behind-the-scenes videos on YouTube[ps2id id=’title3′ target=”/]

Showing your clients what it’s like behind-the-scenes is an underused marketing tactic. All it requires is taking a few candid shots or recording a quick video in the office, but it can make all the difference in showing the human side of your firm.

For example, you might think that your clients wouldn’t be interested in the day-to-day of your work routine. And you’re probably right. They don’t want to watch you for hours on end going through paperwork and client calls.

However, that doesn’t mean they don’t want a glimpse. Share a quick video tour of the office. Take pictures at the next birthday party in the breakroom.

You don’t have to show everything, but sharing a few behind-the-scenes clips helps to build trust and show your clients that they’ll be working with real, likable people.

4. Invest in SEO[ps2id id=’title4′ target=”/]

Search engine optimization or SEO for short, is crucial for any business, but even more so for competitive fields like business law. SEO increases both the quality and quantity of site traffic through non-paid or organic search results.

Search engines crawl your website and evaluate many factors to determine which sites are most relevant to the searcher’s query.

For example, if someone were to search “business law attorney near me,” Google would search through its indexed data on different sites and show the most relevant result.

To make sure your website shows up in the top search results, here are a few SEO basics to focus on for the content of your site:

  • Make page titles relevant and clear
  • Improve the speed of your site
  • Focus on getting quality links back to your site
  • Fill out all alternative text for your images
  • Provide informative and accurate information

Keep in mind that SEO takes time. It isn’t instantaneous, but once established can make a big difference in the amount of organic search traffic and new leads your website generates.

5. Use a chatbot for your website[ps2id id=’title5′ target=”/]

Not everyone is available or even willing to chat during business hours. Potential clients are browsing for legal advice and services on their own time – often nights and weekends when your law firm is closed.

You can’t rely on your only method of contact being phone or email. These options aren’t instantaneous or convenient enough for a client that needs help.

Instead, an ideal point of first contact can be through a chat option. Live chat lets visitors communicate with either representatives whereas automated chatbots communicate answers to common questions in real time.

You can set automated responses or direct users to helpful pages like a FAQs list. The chatbot would have the ability to take the person’s contact information so you could follow up on the lead at your convenience.

6. Get active on social media[ps2id id=’title6′ target=”/]

screenshot of a Facebook video about arbitration

Being present on social channels isn’t just a good marketing tactic, it’s expected nowadays.
Consumers from different generations all flock to social media when researching brands and companies to buy from. This includes businesses looking for legal assistance.

One of the best places to get started is Linkedin. You can start by sharing helpful advice and informative content to ensure you appear professional and personable. In the example above from Hogan Lovells, one of their partners shares a quick tip over video.

7. Invest in sponsorships[ps2id id=’title8′ target=”/]

Sponsorships are an excellent way to help you gain visibility in your local community or in specific niche groups.

For example, if your law firm specializes in working with tech companies, you might want to sponsor a handful of in-person and virtual conferences where your ideal clients hang out.

In addition, many law firms use sponsors to give back to their local communities. This ranges from sponsoring the local animal shelter’s annual fundraiser to your kid’s softball league.

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to try all of these marketing tactics at once. It’s best to select just a few at first. Determine where you want to spend your marketing efforts and just get started.

If you want help from the experts? To learn more about how TitleTap can help your law firm get more clients and rank high in search engines like Google and Bing, schedule a call today.