A crucial part of running your real estate law firm is generating new business. Legal marketing has come a long way since the days of TV commercials and billboards alone.

Attorneys have a wide variety of digital marketing tactics at their disposal to market their services, but with so many options, it can be difficult to choose.

In fact, we created this digital marketing guide for attorneys.

In this post, we’ve rounded up effective marketing tactics specifically for real estate firms to help you attract new clients to your firm. The key is to make a plan and focus on the tactics that are the best fit for your marketing goals. Here are 7 creative marketing ideas to get you started:

1. Create an FAQ page
2. Add a resources section on your website
3. Write an ebook
4. Run paid ad campaigns to an optimized landing page
5. Convert more visitors to clients using live chat
6. Write engaging team bios
7. Participate in local events

1. Create an FAQ page

screenshot of a FAQ page on a law website

One of the easiest places to start is to create a FAQ page.

If you’ve been a practicing real estate lawyer for a few years, you likely have a list of questions that you hear over and over again from clients.

This is a great starting point for this page. Then, when prospects come across this page on your site, you’ve not only helped them find your law firm, but you’ve established yourself as an expert.

One example of how to take an FAQ page to the next level is to turn it into a video library, such as this example above from Goodwin Law P.A.

Pro tip: Remember, people are more likely to find you by searching for a solution to their legal problem, not your business name.

2. Add a resources section on your website

screenshot of a checklist on the Wilson Hamilton law website

Sharing helpful resources like video libraries, checklists, and fee calculators is an excellent way to provide value to both your clients and prospects alike. This also establishes your firm as a thought leader and builds trust.

You can see an example above from our customer, Wilson Hamilton.

3. Write an ebook

Publishing an ebook, whether paid or free, is a creative marketing tactic that any law firm has the expertise to do.

Being able to share an ebook with your potential clients is a great way to establish credibility, trust, and boost your search rankings.

The ebook can also function as a lead generation tool when you use it as an incentive for signing up for an email list or providing contact details.

An ebook can also help you qualify leads.

For example, if you have two ebooks, one with tips for buying real estate and another with tips for selling properties, you’ll quickly be able to determine the type of legal services someone might need from the ebook they selected.

4. Run paid ad campaigns to an optimized landing page

Your website needs to work hard when it comes to generating new client leads. The pages on a website that do the bulk of this work are called landing pages.

Landing pages are focused pages that visitors are directed to after following a strategically placed link. They should include benefits, a unique selling proposition, quality images, social proof, and a call-to-action (CTA).

For example, you could set up a Facebook ad that targets real estate buyers looking for commercial properties. The landing page could discuss the benefits of hiring your law firm to assist in the purchase.

You would include information about what sets your attorneys apart from other real estate lawyers, reviews from satisfied clients, and pictures of your legal team.

Most importantly, the CTA would prompt visitors to take action such as signing up for a free consultation or joining your email list for additional tips.

5. Convert more visitors to clients using chat

People gravitate to instant gratification, and legal assistance is no exception. Most potential clients prefer real-time responses. This means that even email might be too slow of a contact option for those seeking an immediate answer.

This is where chat comes in. Sites with live chat or a chatbot have the advantage of being able to respond to a potential client immediately, meaning the person is more likely to engage, even if the chatbot tells them someone will get back to them during business hours.

Be sure to have the chatbot collect contact information, such as an email address, so you can respond quickly to any inquiries.

6. Write engaging team bios

GIF of the Costner Law website

One way to add a personal touch to your website that gains the trust of potential clients is to add team bios. People want to buy from and work with other people that you know, like, and trust.

Show your site visitors that there are real humans behind the work you do. Here is a great example from one of our customers, Costner Law.

When you mouse over their photo, it displays a fun photo of them that highlights their personality or something they like to do for fun. These are small personal details that make your team approachable and stand out from the other real estate law offices in the area.

7. Participate in local events

Having your law firm participate in or sponsor local events is an excellent way to get your name out in the community. When you participate in local events, you can connect with folks in your community as well as share your story.

This also gives you commonalities with potential clients in your community. Sometimes a common connection is all you need for them to call you instead of a competitor.

Pro Tip: When looking for sponsorships or events to participate in, find ones that are relevant to your industry. For example, real estate law firms could volunteer with a housing non-profit such as Habitat for Humanity.

Remember to take each tactic one step at a time. Each of the tactics listed above has the potential to generate new leads for your real estate law firm, but you need to take the time to effectively execute each one. Pick one or two that you feel is the right fit and get started.

If you want help from the experts? To learn more about how TitleTap can help your law firm get more clients and rank high in search engines like Google and Bing, schedule a call today.