“We now routinely get deals from the general public who found us by a web search.”

Jason Beal’s old website was no longer doing his business justice. His company, Atlantic Coastal Land Title Company, had become well respected by anyone who had used his services.


Although his existing clients kept coming back, it became apparent to him that his website was no longer attracting the new business he wanted.

“When we were looking to expand our marketing efforts we knew having a professional online presence was key. Partnering with TitleTap has enabled us to take advantage of online marketing as we had hoped to do,” Beal said. “We now routinely get deals from the general public who found us by a web search.”

How to Get Found on Google

Google’s search algorithm is both extremely complex and ever changing. Plus, they don’t publish specifics about their methodology – just generalizations.

Here are a few important things you should do to maximize your “findability” in online search.

Be Local

Search has become more local. Do you notice that when you search for something like “restaurants,” you don’t even need to enter a city name to display results near you? This is because both computers and mobile devices alike can approximate your location and display relevant results. You might need more than just your address on your website to show up when someone Googles in your town. To get the best results, include a lot of variations of cities, counties, and neighborhoods you service.

Be Mobile

Have you ever tried to visit a website on your phone, only to find it almost impossible to navigate or view? This website wasn’t mobile optimized. Since 2015, Google has put a priority on sites that format properly for both mobile devices and their widescreen computer counterparts. Why? Well, around that time, Google realized that most of their search traffic was actually coming from cell phones instead of computers.

Be Secure

HTTPS correlates with higher search ranking. Source: https://ahrefs.com/blog/ssl/

In 2017, the popular Chrome browser started warning users who visited a web form that was not secure. A few years ago, you only needed a secure website if you were going to process credit card data or to lock down private information. Now, due to the drastic rise in cyber fraud, search engines recommend every site be secured with SSL. They reward you in search if you comply.

Be Resourceful

The old saying “Content is King” is still true today. The best way to show up in search is by having the best answers on your website to the questions your customers have. Think about the top 10 things you’re asked on a regular basis. Then think of the five most unique cases or closings you’ve ever encountered. Write a blog post on each of those (make the data anonymous, obviously) and see what happens to your website traffic. He who gives the best information wins!

Be Personal

So this one might not always get you more traffic. However, it is extremely useful for converting visitors into new business. People generally do business with people they like or that are like them. So when someone visits your website, they are subconsciously looking for a connection point. Do they know one of your staff’s family members? Are they part of an organization that you are a member of? Have they supported the same organization that you do?

Put these things on your website and you just might get some new business that you weren’t expecting.

Are you looking to put these items into action but are not sure where to begin? Let TitleTap help – request a free consultation today.