What are C- And S-Corporations?

What are C- And S-Corporations?

Have you ever heard the phrase “pierced the corporate veil” in the media and wondered what it really meant? The phrase refers to a situation in which the court system looks beyond the corporate identity and instead focuses on the individuals leading the organization....
When Is A Negotiation Agreement Not Necessary?

When Is A Negotiation Agreement Not Necessary?

There is a lot of “buzz” in the media about always renegotiating and striving for better terms in new or existing agreements. However, negotiating agreements takes energy, knowledge, and time in a business. Knowing when it is worth it to negotiate can ensure that...
Is A Negotiation Necessary?

Is A Negotiation Necessary?

The Harvard Law School Program On Negotiation describes a negotiation as a process of finding your counterparts’ interests and reconciling them with your own to achieve a specific outcome. Negotiated agreements happen through back-and-forth communication to reach a...
How Do I Negotiate Business Agreements

How Do I Negotiate Business Agreements

In the course of your career, you are likely to perform many duties that were not explicit in the job description at the time of hire. If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably quite familiar with the concept of wearing many hats in your business.  Negotiations...
What is a Legal Agreement?

What is a Legal Agreement?

The Legal Information Institute of Cornell University defines an agreement as a manifestation of mutual assent by two or more persons to one another. It is a meeting of the minds with a common intention, and it is achieved through offer and acceptance. Commonly...