In the battle for relevance among competitors, traditional marketing methods like billboard advertising and print ads are quickly losing pace to more digitally focused strategies. While there is still a place for traditional styles of advertising, to be sure, today’s clients are utilizing their internet connection now more than ever to research a lawyer or learn more about their legal situation. Therefore, since the internet has effectively changed how we do most everything in life, it is also important to embrace digital marketing as it relates to your legal practice. Read on to learn more about why you should be investing in digital marketing as an attorney: 

Why Digital Marketing Should be Embraced 

According to Lead Science, some 96% of all individuals will complete an online search before they sign on with a law firm. This fact alone means you need to invest in ensuring that your law firm shows up and shows out in terms of your digital presentation. However, it has also been proven that proper digital marketing strategies can boost your search results ranking, meaning more eyes will be able to find you than before. In other words, failing to have a digital presence is like bringing a knife to the gunfight of marketing. You are simply going to be overwhelmed and outmatched. Thankfully, though, our company, Title Tap understands your need to excel in the digital realm in order to appeal to modern clients. Check out what we offer in terms of getting your firm up to speed and encouraging more engagement and loyalty from clients. 

Key Areas of Digital Marketing in Which to Invest 

At Title Tap, we offer a wide variety of digital marketing strategies. The following are some key areas in which we advise you to invest to make the most digital difference. Without these key areas, it is very difficult to remain relevant in today’s crowded legal field. These specific elements will help you stand out and ensure that your message comes across loud and clear to the potential clients you are hoping to engage: 

Well Designed Websites 

A website is as vital to you as an attorney as having an active legal license. Without one, you simply would not be able to keep up or remain relevant among your competitors. Your website is a singular location where you can place important information such as how to contact you, your physical address, and more. In many ways, it acts as a virtual office and is always representing your brand, 24/7. It also helps you guide clients through onboarding and ensures that you get the necessary contact and case-related information from them. At Title Tap, we offer professional, industry-specific, and affordable websites that will meet you where you are and grow with you, always adapting to industry trends. 

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PPC to Get Noticed 

Another important aspect of digital marketing that is worth investing in as a law firm is PPC. This acronym stands for pay-per-click and is an aspect of digital marketing that allows you to pay for targeted ads. In other words, you create an ad, and have it gone live, and then you pay for each click that you get on that ad. Ideally, the ad will draw visitors, leads, and eventual clients, making the relatively small investment well worth the effort. Of course, understanding how to get the most out of PPC ads is made much easier by letting our team at Title Tap handle the process for you. PPC can include a wide variety of targeted ads including Facebook Ads. There is no set amount of money you should consider investing in PPC ads in general. However, when it is part of a well-structured marketing strategy, PPC implementation can be a key part of your digital marketing success.


SEO Throughout All Marketing Strategies 

Last but certainly not least, Search Engine Optimization is key to creating successful digital marketing. SEO encompasses many facets of digital marketing, but it is basically the strategy you use to ensure that your legal firm gets noticed, either in search engine results or through targeted ads or other avenues. It includes the use of keywords as well as the creation and promotion of valuable content to engage site visitors, encouraging them to learn more about your brand and also boosting follow-through. At Title Tap, we are happy to help you with SEO throughout all your digital strategies, ensuring that the content you feature is optimized properly to do the job it needs to do for your firm.


Risks of Not Investing in Digital Marketing 

Sometimes it is easier to understand why you should do something simply by considering what might happen if you don’t. The following are some key risks you take by “not” investing in digital marketing: 

  • Marketing Goes Stale: Even with a good website and some social media posts on occasion, your overall marketing strategy will go stale if you fail to invest in good digital strategies, like SEO and PPC. 
  • You Will be Buried: We don’t have to tell you that the legal market is packed. Therefore, if you want to ensure that your firm stands out among others, you have to incorporate some innovative digital marketing strategies. Otherwise, your law firm will simply get lost among the weeds online. 
  • You Won’t Get the Results You Want: Obviously, your goal when investing in marketing of any kind is to see results. However, without digital marketing, you will likely not see the results of advertising that you are hoping to achieve. Think back to the stat shared above about clients who use online methods to research their legal issues or to learn more about a firm. If you don’t have a well-thought-out strategy in place to create the right kind of digital reputation, you are nearly guaranteed to fail when it comes to achieving meaningful results, like increased client numbers and boosts in site visits and inquiries. 

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Should Your Law Firm Invest in Digital Marketing? 

In short, yes. Your law firm should be investing in digital marketing. Now, more than ever before, you must have a proven digital marketing strategy to stay relevant in today’s competitive field. You cannot stay afloat as a legal team, even if your in-court strategies are immensely impressive if you haven’t invested in digital marketing. This is because the clients who need to know about your services will be unable to find out any information about your firm. In addition, a well-crafted website along with the other strategies mentioned will help you effortlessly move clients through the onboarding process and help automate various time-consuming tasks that will free your team up to have more success for your clients in the courtroom. So, to answer this question, yes, and yes again, you should be investing in digital marketing if you aren’t already, and if you are, you should evaluate your current strategy and determine if it is working as designed. 

Contact us to Learn More 

At Title Tap, we are happy to help you embrace digital marketing as a legal firm. We understand that you are busy with tasks related to your firm, and we want to encourage you to invest in these strategies through brands like ours to remain relevant in today’s modern market. Contact us today at Title Tap to schedule a demo or to request more information. Failing to invest in digital marketing will quickly lead you to fall behind your competitors in the legal arena. So, let us get started by helping you stand out through innovative and proven digital marketing strategies. 

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