How TitleTap Helped a Florida Law Firm Triple Their Leads and Expand Statewide

“The market’s absolutely saturated with digital marketing companies, so it’s important to get a partner you can trust. With TitleTap, we felt comfortable. We had a good level of competence as well as trust.”
Seton T. Hengesbach, Esq.,

Attorney at Law

How TitleTap Helped a Florida Law Firm Triple Their Leads and Expand Statewide
Lead generation happens primarily online for law firms. Savvy law firms have to successfully navigate Google Ads to appear in client search results, but it can be challenging and time-consuming for law firms without expert help. TitleTap helps law firms and title companies who want to supercharge their marketing efforts with turnkey, customized websites and expertly managed PPC ads that target high-value clients.

When Florida-based Hengesbach & Hengesbach, P.A. started working with TitleTap in September 2022 to streamline their lead generation process, they never expected the drastic increase in calls, clicks, and high-value conversions they would see.

Boosted Lead Generation

Hengesbach & Hengesbach wanted to boost their lead generation efforts beyond word of mouth marketing and print ad campaigns. By creating a turn-key website from customizable TitleTap templates and acquiring leads from TitleTap-managed ad campaigns, the firm has seen a significant increase in the number of impressions, clicks, calls, and contact form submissions on their new website. 

“Like any law firm, it’s a small market in terms of the footprint that your office covers. A lot of [our marketing] was word-of-mouth, existing clients, maybe some print ads. We had never really gotten heavy into online marketing. When we linked up with TitleTap, the plan was to start investing more in digital marketing.”Seton T. Hengesbach, Esq., Attorney at Law

The firm sees it’s working — they have received impressive results from leads funneled to their site through TitleTap-managed Google Ads campaigns.

  •  374 calls
  • 65 form submissions
  • 3,632 clicks on ads
  • 80,523 ad impressions

The firm appreciates the ability to track and nurture their new leads with seamless reporting.

“TitleTap does a great job of sending us monthly reports with incoming calls and form submissions generated off the campaigns. We’re getting data in real time, and we can see it’s working.”

Clicks on ads

Increased Statewide Market Share

Hengesbach & Hengesbach set a goal of expanding their footprint beyond their local market to reach new clients around the state. TitleTap crafted targeted ads to attract statewide clients to the firm’s website, where many ended up calling or filling out contact forms for a free consultation. 

“One of the goals with TitleTap was to increase our footprint. We’re in the central Florida area, and one of the goals was to offer our services statewide or as far out as we can. We’ve been getting cases in areas that we’ve never practiced…North Florida, South Florida, a couple counties over — our footprint has seemed to increase. We’ve had some high-value cases in those areas that we don’t normally hit.”

By managing multiple ad campaigns for Hengesbach & Hengesbach that target clients outside their physical practice areas, TitleTap is helping the firm tap into valuable new markets around the state. 

“One of the bigger impacts [of working with TitleTap] is the increase of our footprint from being a local player to trying to get some of the market share across the state of Florida. That’s been a measured objective for us, and it’s working. We’re getting cases that are in areas that we never got them before. We’re starting to consistently see things outside of our realm.” 

Secured More High-Value Clients

The firm is seeing a measurable increase in revenue with TitleTap’s digital marketing services that target high-value clients through Google Ads campaigns and website copy crafted with search engine optimization in mind. 

The firm has consistently secured more high-dollar deals with clients through TitleTap-managed campaigns, including a lucrative $50,000 deal from a Google Ads campaign. 

“One of the campaigns that we’re doing with TitleTap is very lucrative for us — we’re basically getting 30-40% of a person’s share of the property that we’re able to recover for them. [Through the campaign], we got an almost million-dollar farm in Lake City, which is hours away. Our client had a small share of it. It was a pretty hefty fee and a good result for both of us.” 

Form Submissions

About Hengesbach & Hengesbach, P.A.

The attorneys at Hengesbach & Hengesbach, P.A. serve clients through estate planning, wills, trusts, civil litigation, and real property. Founded in the 1960s, this established law firm utilizes the team’s combined 62+ years of experience to provide clients in the state of Florida with effective legal services that achieve their goals. The Hengesbach & Hengesbach team brings diverse legal and corporate backgrounds to the firm with experience working for Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. government, and individual clients.

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