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Referrals Are Awesome! Are You Leveraging Referrals to Grow your Law Firm or Title Company?
Your current customers and clients are your biggest fans...are you asking for referrals on a consistent basis? If not, it’s time to get busy! The advantages of working by referral are obvious, so why don’t we do it more often? It’s incredibly cost effective, it...
How To Market Title Insurance Like Beer
So everyone in the real estate, mortgage, and title business knows that there have been some massive compliance changes like TRID. The big question is how do you use these industry regulations to drive more revenue? Old-time marketers tell you that the best way to...
6 Steps to Marketing your Title Company On the Internet in 2016
TRID and the CFPB aren't the only things that have changed the title industry over the past year. Marketing your title agency has changed as well by moving away from pens and donuts. Here are 6 things you need to be doing in 2016 and beyond to market your closing...
TitleTap Launches Social Media Management and Marketing Specifically for Law, Title, Mortgage and Real Estate businesses
TitleTap announces a social media management service due to growing customer demand. Tampa, FL: TitleTap, the leading provider of websites and turn-key marketing tools for Title Agents and Attorneys, announced in March 2016 at ALTA Business Strategies the release of...
Remarketing for Title Agents and Attorneys
Remarketing (or retargeting) is something no one in the real estate industry is doing but everyone should be. Not only is it super effective, it is typically inexpensive too! What is retargeting? Have you ever been to a website or put a product in your cart, then...
How to Create Facebook Ads for Real Estate, Title, and Law Professionals
Having a Facebook profile is one thing. Actually using it is another. Did you know Facebook Ads can actually make your Law Firm and Title Company visible to people with very specific interests and demographics? A couple things to note: Facebook now has more active...
How Title Agents and Attorneys can Optimize their Social Media Accounts
Today I'm going to show you how to properly set up Facebook Accounts for Real Estate professionals including Title Agents, Mortgage Brokers and Law Firms. I've found that even though setting up a Facebook account seems trivial, since Facebook has so many features most...
How Title Companies Can Market with Video
Did you know that 78% of people watch videos only at least once a week and 55 percent watch every day? In fact, YouTube is the second largest search engine, and people use video not only for entertainment, but to learn about a topic. Unlike most other types of...
What Are VA Home Loans?
http://fwd4.wistia.com/medias/3m51w7l8qm?embedType=iframe&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 What Are VA Loans? As the video says, the name is misleading - they’re not loans FROM the VA. The VA - short for “US Department of Veterans Affairs” - is...
What Are The Major Types Of VA Loans?
http://fwd4.wistia.com/medias/3l2mpj8eu8?embedType=iframe&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 What Are The Major Types Of VA Loans? Major Veterans Affairs loan programs described in this video include: 1) Purchase Loans. These help eligible parties buy a...