In today’s society, law firms must embrace modern digital practices in order to reach their audience, drive client acquisition, and showcase their expertise. In fact, it’s not a matter of if you embrace content marketing and social media marketing as a law firm, but when, because the longer you wait to up your game to modern standards, the longer you miss out on appealing to a significant number of potential clients. Thankfully, at TitleTap, we have compiled the following information that will tell you everything you need to know about content and social media marketing within the legal arena:

What is Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing?

Before delving deeper into its benefits, it’s helpful to take a cursory glance at what these terms even mean.  

Content marketing is a type of marketing that differs from a more traditional advertising focus. In other words, instead of taking out an ad in a paper, appearing on a billboard, or creating a radio spot, you would have a digital existence that includes blog posts, a website, videos, and more that would communicate your expertise to potential clients and then guide them through your pipeline, streamlining their client journey. 

 Social media marketing is a type of content marketing, and it takes place on social media platforms. It can include links to long articles, but in many cases, it involves quick blurb-style posts that highlight your expertise as a firm as well as communicate key information clients should know. All of this is then posted by your team (or a marketing team on your behalf) on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.  

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Content Marketing Importance and Benefits

Content marketing has an immense role to play in today’s modern legal sphere. In fact, according to various statistics, including a Google Consumer Survey, some 96% of all people use a search engine to find legal advice, and another 74% of those visit a law firm’s site to take the next step, according to a Google Legal Services Study. Therefore, you want to embrace content marketing as yet another tool in your arsenal to reach clients and one that is a necessity in today’s society. The following are some practical benefits of content marketing of all varieties, including social media:  

  • Builds Thought Leadership: High-quality content that explains various legal issues, offers insightful studies, analyzes trends, and more, works to build up your firm as a leader in your field. This bolsters your credibility as a firm and also prompts clients to seek your counsel due to your leadership and expertise.  
  • Provides an Avenue of Engagement: Another way that content marketing can benefit your firm is through client engagement. This can happen through various content marketing avenues like social media posts, your website, blogs, and more. You can also post Q & As, podcasts, webinars and more, encouraging meaningful interaction between your team and potential clients.  
  • Cultivates Trust and Increases Creditability: Trust is paramount in the realm of law. Thankfully, your educational, engaging, and accurate content serves to provide value and advice to clients. This helps establish trust and increases your firm’s creditability.  
  • Generates Leads: Last, but certainly not least, content marketing can help you generate qualified leads who will become your clients. This happens when you address your target audience (or standard client) through various forms of content and information. Well-designed content will walk a prospect through the sales funnel or buyer journey, turning them from site visitors into potential clients.   

Types of Content

There are many forms of content that fall under the content marketing sphere. The following are some of the most beneficial for you as a legal professional: 

  • Articles and Blog Posts: The most popular types of content marketing are blog posts or articles. This can appear on your firm’s website and then be shared on social media. It can also be about your own life in general or include news pertaining to your field. Posts and articles should be informative, educational, helpful, engaging, or valuable in some manner in order to make it on your site. Articles are also a great way to anticipate questions and answer them in an easy to digest manner for potential clients.  
  • Videos: This type of content is gaining more and more popularity as technological advancements make the process of making video content easier. You can use a video format to share how your firm works, share client testimonials, or even discuss legal ideas or issues. This is a great way to actually show clients you face, introduce yourself, and create a level of trust. Videos are also easy-to-share, so they tend to encourage a great deal of engagement.  
  • Podcasts or Live Streams: Podcasts are a great way for you as a legal team to engage and connect with listeners who could become your clients. This helps you build trust, and increase your brand recognition overall. A live stream, which is real-time video content, is another way you can interact with potential clients, help generate leads and educate them on important legal matters.  
  • Webinars: This is an online presentation, which could also be described as a workshop, and is short for web seminars. Webinars allow you to establish communication, take questions from the audience, engage in live chats, or even allow audience participation in polls. This is a great way to foster a deeper understanding of various more complex legal matters as you can go into much more detail in this type of format than you can in a short blurb.  

Tips For Creating Content Worth Sharing

Now that you have considered the immense benefits of content marketing overall and some applications you can use to embrace this as part of your marketing outreach, consider the following general tips you should know about creating content that is worthy of sharing: 

  • Create posts that answer commonly asked questions. You could even have a question of the week series, changing the question being answered on a weekly basis.  
  • Share relevant news and local events. If you can tie these events or news into your legal field, that’s even better. 
  • Post motivational or inspirational content. 
  • Share news related to your firm, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and more, to showcase your human side and remind clients you are more than an attorney; you are a human who gets what they are going through. 
  • Share tips pertaining to your area of law. 
  • Share client feedback and helpful testimonials. 
  • Share case studies that pertain to your field of law. 
  • Post frequently to ensure you have current and accurate information on your site. Of course, it’s important not to go overboard and post constantly, but just enough to remain active, relevant and dependable.  

Contact us Today to Embrace Content Marketing

At TitleTap, we understand the difference a well-formulated content marketing strategy can have on your success as a law firm. Consequently, we want to help you create the best content for your brand, promoting trust and establishing your role as an authority in your field. To get started and learn more about our content marketing as well as our social media marketing services, contact us today at TitleTap. You can request a demo or set up a consultation to learn more about what our content marketing stack means and the significant benefit it could provide your law firm. 


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