Sometimes Title Agents and Attorneys who have been in business for quite some time aren’t sure of the value they might get by having a website. In all fairness, they’ve gone this long without one. What they often forget is although the old ways of doing business might...
There is an old saying by a Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt that goes, “People don’t want to buy a quarter inch drill. They want a quarter inch hole.” I’ve always loved this saying because it really illustrates that you must sell the results, not the...
Chatbots and artificial intelligence have become extremely popular over the last few years. But what exactly are they? How do they work? And most importantly, how will they help your law firm or title company? Chatbots vs. Live Chat First, let’s take a look at what...
Choosing a web developer to overhaul your online presence can be confusing, especially with so many local web developers, DIY website builders and marketing agencies out there vying for your business. How do you tell the good ones from the bad ones? Since both lawyers...
Most businesses want one thing: more business. Unfortunately, what many business owners don’t understand is exactly how to get it. For instance, they might throw money at marketing agencies that promise big results but never quite hit the mark, or they spend hours at...
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and Founder of Facebook, is known for the saying, “Done is better than perfect.” In fact, it epitomizes Facebook’s groundbreaking methodology so well that it’s painted on the walls of their office. Although it can take years to rank on the first...