There is an old saying by a Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt that goes, “People don’t want to buy a quarter inch drill. They want a quarter inch hole.” I’ve always loved this saying because it really illustrates that you must sell the results, not the...
Do you really need a website for my law firm or title company? Let’s say you’ve been a practicing attorney or title agent for 30 years, get solid referrals, and are fairly busy, so you might think you don’t need an online presence. But like Nancy, you...
Deed In Lieu’ is a common short-hand term for this situation: a borrower can’t make loan payments, and hands over their deed to the property instead, so that the lender does not have to take the home. The full phrase is ‘deed in lieu of...
When a lender releases an existing mortgage for a payoff that is less or ‘short’ of the total amount due, the transaction is called a ‘short sale.’ Lenders sometimes accept short sales as an alternative to repossession and foreclosure, which...
A foreclosure is essentially a legally-forced change in possession, where a lender seizes collateralized property – such as a home – when a borrower is unable to pay the loan. While laws vary by state, borrowers typically have a ‘period of...
What is a power of attorney and how does it work? To keep a board game running while one player takes a break, that player could say to another ‘roll the dice and move for me.’ They are granting the second player power to act fully within the game rules....