If you own more than one title agency, have a law firm and a title company, or have a plan for strategic growth via joint venture (JV) or mergers and acquisitions (M&A), then you are likely interested in business growth. One of the highlights of the current robust real estate market has been seeing all of the great opportunities available for those with a big vision.

That said, growth of that magnitude has its own set of challenges. While having sound back-office operations, systems and processes is an important part of a winning growth formula, it is not the whole formula. Having a plan for the front end of your business, especially the information that you want available to prospects and customers online, should be taken into consideration as well.

A professional and accurate online presence is a trust indicator for those who have not done business with you before and can also serve as a confidence booster for anyone sending referrals to your business.

We get it, growth by joint venture or merger and acquisition is fast paced and has many moving parts. With multiple brands you could be inheriting past relationships or just doing the minimum to get by in order to be operational quickly. Either way, it can be easy to overlook the brand’s website and online presence in the beginning.

Whether you are considering adding on a new brand for the first time or you already are several brands into your growth strategy, here are several tips to help you scale up your online marketing faster!

Tip 1: Have A Logo Ready

All too often, we see a brand that has been acquired with an old logo or a new brand with no logo ready. While this may not be mission critical from an operational standpoint, it can be a cornerstone for your branding and marketing strategy.

For example, the colors in your logo will typically be carried through in marketing assets like your website, social media and online ads. Matching themes throughout your marketing helps build brand continuity and recognition, all of which typically start with a logo.

Tip 2: Know What Content To Keep Consistent

Whether you are taking over another title agent’s website due to M&A or expanding due to a JV with a net new entity, it is important to inventory what content elements you want to keep throughout the brands.

Examples could range from your summary of services offered to the tools you leverage (ie. calculators, instant chat, etc.). Having this list of content prepared will help save time ensuring that each brand represents consistent elements that highlight your value proposition to the market.

It also serves as a great reference for your vendors working with you so they can include it in their onboarding process.

Tip 3: Consider How You Want To Be Found

One question we often ask as part of any website launch is how you as a title agent or attorney want to be found online. In other words, what and where do you want to be the authority?

A good way to figure this out with a newly acquired brand is to look at their past business. Do they get a lot of commercial closings or is it more concentrated in residential? What neighborhoods? What types of closings are most lucrative?

Identifying this and creating content for each of their primary target markets (locations, type of business, neighborhoods, etc.) will help the right people find you on Google.

For example, if you want to grow your title company in Tampa, Florida with a specific focus on residential real estate for first time home buyers, you need to ensure your content has keywords and keyphrases that mirror those terms peppered all over your content.

This way the search engines start to attribute your content as a search result contender for prospects and customers looking for information or answers related to their questions (ie. How do I buy a home in Tampa, FL?).

Remember: You will not show up in Google or Bing for keywords that do not exist in the content on your website.

With multiple brands across different geographic regions, this may be different per brand, so plan ahead on the terms you deem most important to be found by and incorporate them in your content.

Tip 4: Single Source Your Vendor Management

Time, the lack of it, is a challenge most title agency ownership and management teams are faced with when trying to scale.

It can be hard enough trying to keep up with one set of vendors for a single brand let alone many vendors for multiple brands. Single sourcing your vendor management so you are dealing with one group of vendors (typically the same group) across all your brands is an easy way to reduce the back and forth and having to repeat the same setup of decisions and conversations multiple times.

It also improves the quality of consistency when you have a group that understands your whole model and can work with your team on the process.

For instance, at TitleTap, we work with several customers who have

multiple brands

that have benefited from our multi-brand workflow where they receive a single point of contact who works with each brand manager as well as the owner.

This way changes and website launches are streamlined, website launches happen faster and everyone stays up to date with accurate information. This approach also has enabled our multi-brand customers to have confidence when pitching a JV or M&A opportunity that not only will their partners benefit from improved back end operations but they will also have a superior way to manage the front end of their business.

If you feel improved efficiencies, a faster go to market and reduced costs in doing so per brand are good reasons to see if TitleTap’s multi-brand approach is a good fit for your growth strategy, schedule a demo call today!

Are you growing your title insurance presence through acquisitions or joint ventures?

Let TitleTap show you how we can help you scale your marketing while freeing up your time to focus on business operations. Request a

free consultation
